Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Someone recently brought up the Japanese concept of Wabi-sabi. I hadn't thought about it in years. It's about acceptance - finding beauty in imperfection and impermanence. I think the Japanese are doing better with this latest economic downturn because of this cultural and collective mind-set. They don’t operate from a material base as we do. Here, identity is all about the car, the body...things – material success. That's a bad investment.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Kyoto; Gion - Meiko san

On her way to work, she was very gracious, the next day we read in the paper that Meiko san complained about tourists wanting to take their pictures

Kyoto; KiyomizuTemple

Amazing temple, so many shrines and steps

Kyoto; Kaiseki dinner

Traditional cuisine of Kyoto, lots of courses

View of Fuji san

Taken from the Shinkansen (bullet train)

Tokyo; Palace Hotel

Cool post modern international clocks in lobby, I want them.

Tokyo; Palace Hotel Tea Room

Tokyo is on a demolishing old buildings bender, this post-war hotel is slated to go. The tea room is filled with old school gentry every afternoon having tea and "cakee".

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Mari from Tokyo

My sister in Japan, she works for Dow Jones and the news isn't good at the moment

Kyoto; horny toad tree in temple

What big feet he has

Japan; Coffee and Music

It a karoke cafe, open 24 hours for recovering Yakusas

Tokyo; Precious Coffee Moments

Another cafe in Jinbocho, a district with lots of bookstores.

Tokyo; Cafe Slow

Not like California slow food, but just taking a long time to drink coffee.

Tokyo cafe

I found a number of oddly named cafes. Coffee is excellent in Japan. Japan imports the best, grade A beans, over Europe and the USA.

Kyoto; sign in hotel lobby

Secret club, very mysterious

Kamakura; a restaurant

Serving udon with carrots

Tokyo Metro 9

Sleeping # 2

Tokyo Metro 8

Sleeping # 1

Tokyo Metro 7

Orderly folks

Tokyo Metro 6

What - no babies allowed

Tokyo Metro 5

Tokyo Metro 4

Tokyo Metro 3

This is very necessary

Tokyo Metro 2

Not walking but running, brilliant!

Tokyo Metro 1

I love the Info Design

Gangstas in Tokyo?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Yuzu variation

Yuzu in its native setting

This one needs some diet and exercise

Nijo Castle, Kyoto Japan

Veranda wood

Hokokuji - Bamboo Temple, Kamakura, Japan

Zen Temple with tea house, serving Matcha

Shakadō Pass, Kamakura Japan

Inside the pass there are two small yagura tombs containing some gorinto. On the Shakadogayatsu side of the pass, there rest the bones of some of the hundreds of Hojo family members who committed suicide at Tosho-ji after the fall of Kamakura in 1333

Christmas Cakee, Japan

This is a big deal, Christmas is a romantic day for couples who celebrate it with Christmas Cakee and a visit to the local church for kisses.

YUZU visits Japan

Shibuya district Tokyo; trendy and over-rated, the baby doll look is so tired.